

Primary Investigator

Dr. Elizabeth Holley

Dr. Elizabeth Holley
Primary Investigator

Available Positions

Please contact Dr. Holley directly to inquire about available positions

Current Students

Erica Thompson
MS Student in Geology

Thesis: "Ore controlling breccias at Arturo, North Carlin, Nevada"

Isabelle Harris
PhD Candidate in Geology

Thesis: "Critical mineral recovery from Alaskan placer mine wastes"

John Meyer
PhD Candidate in Mining Engineering

Thesis: "Fusion of LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data in Mineral Exploration"

Koray Tasbicen
PhD Student in Geology

Thesis: "Geology of the Leeville Complex, Nevada"

Leticia González Castellote
MS Student in Geology

Thesis: "Porphyry-epithermal transitions in the Vicuña district, Argentina"

Molly Morgan
Ph.D. Student, Geology

Thesis: "Critical mineral recovery from acid mine drainage"

Will Gapasin
MS Student in Geology

Thesis: "Linking origins of the sedimentary-hosted and magmatic-hydrothermal gold, Battle Mountain District, Nevada"

Past Students

Alejandro Delgado
PhD Earth Resources Science and Engineering, 2023

Thesis: "Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining"

Anne Fulton
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2022

Thesis: "The Origins of Sedimentary-Rock Hosted Gold Deposits, Nevada"

Ben Teschner
PhD in Mining Engineering, 2020

Thesis: "Modeling of Social Risk in Mining Projects"

Carlos Contreras
PhD in Mining Engineering, 2020

Thesis: "Effect of the Representation of Grain Structure on the Prediction of Brittle Rock Mechanical Behavior using a Bonded-Block Model"

Dante Huff
PhD in Geology, 2021

Thesis: "Thermochronology of the Northern Battle Mountain District, Nevada"

Felipe Rodriguez
PhD in Geology, 2023

Thesis: "Coexistence Models for Artisanal and Large-Scale Mining, Latin America"

Johana Pedraza
MS in Economic Geology, 2017

Thesis: "Geologic Controls on Alteration and Mineralization at the Wharf Mine, South Dakota"

Justin Lowe
MS in Economic Geology, 2019

Thesis: "The Lone Tree Sedimentary Rock-Hosted Gold Deposit: A Key to Understanding Temporally-Linked Gold Deposits Across Northern Nevada"

Lauren Foiles
MS in Economic Geology, 2018

Thesis: "R-Mode Factor Analysis of Stream Sediment Data in the Fairbanks Mining District, East-Central Alaska"

Lukas Fahle
PhD in Mining Engineering, 2023

Thesis: "Dynamic LiDAR Mapping of Underground Mines"

Marion Nicco
PhD in Mining Engineering, 2020

Thesis: "The Contribution of Bound Water in Microwave-Induced Rock Fracturing"

Matt Fithian
MS in Economic Geology, 2015

Thesis: "Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Marigold Mine, Battle Mountain-Eureka Trend, Nevada"

Meriel Young
MS in Geological Engineering, 2018

Thesis: "Factors Predictive of Roof Instability in Addition to the Existing CMRR Criteria at Two Case Study Coal Mines"

Yu Ting Yu
MS in Mining Engineering, 2016

Thesis: "Sequestration of Acid Generating Mill Concentrates, Cripple Creek, Colorado"

Past Postdoctoral Fellows

Jorge Crespo
Postdoctoral fellow, 2019 to 2023

Thesis: "Predictive Geology and Geometallurgy, Arequipa, Peru"

Nina Zaronikola
Postdoctoral fellow in Geochemistry, 2022-2023

Thesis: "Responsible Critical Minerals"

Joseph Trouba
Postdoctoral fellow in Metallurgy, 2022-2023

Thesis: “Responsible Critical Minerals”

Jennifer Thompson
Postdoctoral fellow, 2021

Thesis: "Geochemistry of Peruvian and U.S. ore deposits"

Past Non-Thesis Students

Chelsea Pomeroy
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2016

Jacob Smith
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2016

Benjamin Webb
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2015

Bridgette Miller
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2015

Dennis Alp
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2015

Maxwell Hain
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Steffen Ball
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Johanna Cervera Acosta
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Ambyr Douglass
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Tsolomon Gonchig
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Nathan Loesch
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Brandon Meehl
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

John Meyer
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

David Peake
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Edy Vasquez
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2014

Pamela Lagrava Zamorano
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2013

Jamison Ricks
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2013

Mark Mikos
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2013

Yu Kawakami
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2013

John Bristow
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2013

Enrique Chait-Molina
Professional Master in Mineral Exploration, 2012